Based on the beloved manga from Japanese writer and illustrator Shirow Masamune, the film’s voice cast includes Atsuko Tanaka ( Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, TV’s “Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex”, “Ghost in the Shell 2.0”), Akio Ôtsuka ( Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Paprika, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots), and Kôichi Yamadera ( Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, Ninja Scroll). One of Anime’s Most Beloved Films Is Reborn on 4K Ultra HD™ Combo Pack and Digital 4K Ultra HD September 8 th from Lionsgate ®ĤK Ultra HD to Include Dolby Vision ® and Dolby Atmos ®Ĭelebrate the 25 th Anniversary of one of the most critically acclaimed anime films of all time when Ghost in the Shell arrives on 4K Ultra HD™ Combo Pack (plus Blu-ray™ and Digital 4K Ultra HD) and Digital 4K Ultra HD on September 8 th from Lionsgate.
Celebrate the 25 th Anniversary of one of the most critically acclaimed anime films of all time when Ghost in the Shell arrives on 4K Ultra HD™ Combo Pack (plus Blu-ray™ and Digital 4K Ultra HD) and Digital 4K Ultra HD on September 8 th from Lionsgate.